MOBILE HAiR SERVICES From the comfort of yours or My Home




Hi There! My name is Diana Gorda. I am a professional hairstylist with over 14 years of experience taking care of peoples hair and helping them look and feel their best! During this duration I have worked in very well established hair salons across the GTA learning and growing my craft alongside some incredibly talented and creative people. I then joined forces with my husband (also a hairstylist by trait!) to work and help manage his 3rd generation family owned hair salon in the heart of Aldershot. It was so much fun and I am grateful for the memories we built together in the first years of our marriage.

However, during the time of the pandemic, we made a tough decision to switch directions as we were growing our family and did not want to be running at the pace we were while raising our children! So we leased out our hair salon space and sold our multi unit building. Since then, we have had two beautiful girls and my husband used this opportunity to pursue something new career wise.

Once our youngest daughter was in daycare, I started to think how I could still do hair, while being on a more flexibile schedule that still worked for our family as well as I also figured there were MANY other women who work from home who may have a flexible schedule and/or stay at home mom’s out there that might be interested in having their hair done in the comfort of their own home or coming to mine (which is child friendly if you need to bring the kids too!!)

So, all this to say that this is my new venture and I am so happy to be able to provide this service and to be able to connect with you! I really look forward to meeting you and making you feel and look great as I get to do your hair :)

Please check out HOW IT ALL WORKS page for more info!!